Performance Application


AT Petco Park FROM 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Performance Application Deadline: December 6, 2024

Please note: performances/performers are not paid.

If you have any questions about this application, please contact our Events Director Julie Lupo at

Once your application has been successfully submitted you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application has not been submitted properly.

(500 character limit)
Does your performance have any special requirements? Please let us know! Examples may include number of microphones, water needs, electrical needs, A/V needs. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. Please note: PETCO Park has now installed Wi-Fi capability throughout the park.

EXHIBITOR GUIDELINES: We will be reviewing all applications for originality, concepts, and level of interaction with attendees. Make sure to describe how your booth interacts with attendees as this is a critical component all our booths must have. Date of application submission will also have some bearing on accepted applications. Approved Exhibitors will receive Confirmation Packets with all exhibitor information two weeks before the event.

Check In

  • Each exhibitor must enter Petco Park (aka "ballpark") through their predetermined, designated load-in gate noted on the Exhibitor Confirmation Sheet. All exhibitors must check in with the Ballpark Security officer located at each entry gate. Each exhibitor must present valid photo identification in order to be issued a working wristband.
  • Only those individuals who are noted on the San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering Festival list will be permitted access into the ballpark during load-in and load-out times. Valid photo identification will be required for entry on the day of the event.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for their vehicles during load-in and load-out.  Vehicles must be attended at all times. Any vehicle left unattended or in a spot marked "No Parking" will be towed at owner's expense. 
  • No pets will be allowed inside Petco Park.  Animals that are being used as part of an instructional exhibit and service animals are the only exception.


  • All Exhibitors are subject to Petco Park Policies and Procedures, which are noted in their Information Guide as well as their Entry Policy. Please communicate these policies and procedures to all individuals who will be supporting your exhibit on the event day.
  • Load-in is permitted through the predetermined, designated load-in gate. This will be noted on the Exhibitor Confirmation Sheet.
  • Exhibitors must provide their own push carts and/or hand trucks to transport any equipment or materials to their pre-assigned exhibit location, from the load-in gates. Please keep all push carts and/or hand trucks on the concrete walkways or concourses. Petco Park has the right to prohibit equipment not conforming to these regulations.
  • Motorized vehicles are prohibited.
  • Exhibitors are solely responsible for their own load-in of all equipment and supplies.
  • No pallet jacks or forklifts are provided by the Festival and exhibitors are not allowed to drive on site.
  • Service vehicles or electric carts will not be permitted inside the ballpark.
  • Each exhibitor and its member(s) need to be at their respective exhibit and ready for guests no later than 9:30 am on the day of the festival. No exceptions. Gates will open to the public promptly at 10:00 am.
  • All promotional items must be at the respective exhibit. Any unnecessary equipment and/or extra materials must be neatly stored away from public view. No storage space will be provided.
  • Equipment and/or materials must not impede pedestrian traffic or present a safety hazard.
  • Petco Park cannot accept advance freight shipments on behalf of the San Diego Science & Engineering Festival exhibitors.
  • If you are using water in your activity, water for small containers, buckets, etc. can be found at any of the Petco Park restrooms. You must bring your own bucket or jug to carry water. It is very important that you dispose of all liquids in a safe manner-- including "plain water." Please don't dump any liquid (including plain water) into landscaping, gutters, tree wells, ground drains, storm drains, or, really, anywhere except an approved location. The only approved locations for liquid disposal are:
  • Janitors Floor Sink location will be provided.
  • For smaller amounts of water any Petco Park restroom sink.
  • Petco Park will not provide more than 2 gallons of water for any exhibitor. Should you need more than 2 gallons of water you will be required to contract directly with an outside water company. Hoses will not be hooked up for additional water requests. You must notify The Festival Team if you will be utilizing an outside water company so that we can schedule water delivery. Deliveries will not be accepted without pre-approval.


  • You are NOT allowed to park your car to unload.  We recommend you have at least 1 other person with you to help you unload your belongings and move them to your booth while you find parking.  Any car left unattended may be towed at the owner's expense. 
  • The Festival and Petco Park are not responsible for exhibitor parking.  Please refer to the posted street signage for more information on where acceptable street parking is permitted.  Please be aware of the posted tow away and no parking signs. Failure to do so may result in the vehicle being towed at the owner's expense. 


  • Early load-out is not permitted. All exhibitors must stay on site for duration of event.
  • Load-out will begin immediately after the general public has been cleared and swept from the ballpark on Saturday beginning at 5:00 pm. Exhibitor load-out must be completed by 7:00 pm.
  • Breakdown and load-out shall occur only after Ballpark Security has confirmed all guests have been cleared following the conclusion of the event. Load-out is only permitted through the predetermined designated exit gate.

Exhibit Regulations

  • Petco Park must approve in advance all items that will be handed out from each exhibit. Please provide a list of any flyers/promotional material/demonstrations/models or other information that will be available at your exhibit, in the space provided on your Exhibitor Confirmation Sheet.
  • Stickers or any materials with adhesive backing will not be allowed to be distributed inside or outside of Petco Park.
  • Marking pens, chalk, and crayons will not be allowed to be distributed inside Petco Park.
  • No pets will be allowed inside Petco Park.  Animals that are being used as part of an instructional exhibit and service animals are the only exception.
  • Under no circumstances may the current signage in the ballpark be covered, blocked, or altered. Fastening exhibit signage to existing ballpark areas is prohibited.
  • Helium filled balloons may not be distributed in the ballpark.
  • Glitter and/or confetti will not be permitted in the ballpark.
  • No food, drink, or alcohol can be sold or distributed.
  • San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering, and/or Petco Park will not be responsible for items on premises that are stolen, damaged, or missing.
  • An authorized representative from the exhibit must be present at all times.
  • Exit signs and doors must not be covered or blocked and must allocate a six-foot space
  • Allowance for emergency exits. These doors are prohibited from being propped open.
  • Set-up for each exhibit is confined within the designated exhibit space.
  • Exhibitors must remain in designated event spaces. Wandering ("exploring") the ballpark or entering unauthorized locations is prohibited.
  • If you are plugging in any type of appliance or device, please confirm that it complies with the Uniform Fire Code of San Diego County.
  • Decorations and exhibit construction must conform to any and all fire regulations. All materials used must be flameproof.


  • Please note, for everyone's safety, exhibitor(s)' bags and articles entering Petco Park will be subject to inspection by Ballpark Security prior to admittance into the ballpark and any other time as warranted without prior notice while on the premises.
  • Petco Park is an entirely smoke-free facility. Smoking is not permitted inside the ballpark.


  • Exhibitors will be responsible for disposing of any load-in / load-out trash in the designated gray gondola receptacles. All unnecessary cardboard must be broken down and placed out of public view. There will be a sweep for unnecessary cardboard prior to gates open.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for removal of crates, pallets, and any other packing materials prior to gates open.
  • The depositing of ice or any other liquids on the grass, trees, or other landscaping is prohibited.


  • Exhibitors are responsible for any grass/facility damage. If exhibit causes any harm to the venue that result in the Festival incurring any type of damage fee to the venue, the exhibitor organization will be charged and expected to make payment upon Petco Park billing to the Festival.


  • Exhibitors shall not discriminate against any person, or directly or indirectly display, circulate, publicize or mail any advertisement, notice or communication which states or implies that service shall be refused or restricted because of sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin or disability.
  • Exhibitors shall not threaten, intimidate or harass, behave in an overtly discourteous, abusive or disrespectful manner towards any ballpark employee(s) and/or guests.
  • Stealing, unauthorized removal, use, loss, damage or destruction of property belonging to Petco Park, San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering, its guests or employees is strictly prohibited.
  • Exhibitors shall not consume alcohol or use illegal narcotics at any time at the ballpark.
  • Petco Park and/or San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering reserves the right to restrict, close and/or remove any exhibitor at any time due to failure of meeting the policies and procedures.

The San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering will provide:

  • Provide tenting in specific spaces, appropriate space in event layout, and electrical as agreed upon. 
  • Secure appropriate event necessities such as San Diego Police and Fire, parking and transportation, signage, trash and recycling, first aid, and security.
  • Promote the festival prior to and the day of the event through marketing pieces, press releases, collaborator network, social networking sites, and printed event programs

Exhibitor will ensure:

  • If you need to modify any portion of your event, please notify the Festival in writing at least one month prior.
  • All event content must be appropriate for a family audience.
  • All material used by you must not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, or other third party right.
  • You are NOT allowed to seek donations or compensation from Festival attendees.
  • No merchandise of any kind can be sold onsite during the festival.
  • No tip jars and no soliciting is allowed by any exhibitors.
  • The Festival reserves the right to allow commercial sound recording, photography and/or filming by the Festival and/or official sponsors.
  • You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Festival, its planners, partners and agents, from and against claims, loss, damage, injury and liability relating to your participation in the Festival to the extent of applicable law.
  • This working relationship is between your organization and the Festival. It cannot be assigned, subcontracted, or in any way transferred to a third-party without prior written consent from the Festival. The relationship between the parties is one of independent contractors only, and no employee-employer benefits are conferred.
  • The Festival reserves the right to cancel and no damages shall be due for a failure of performance occurring due to Acts of God, war, terrorist act, government regulation, riots, disaster, strikes, or other circumstances outside of the Festival's control, any one of which make performance impossible.

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